New York, NY - 212.749.1220

About Tactical Studies
Learn American Martial Art at Tactical Studies
Tactical Studies Group teaches an American method of martial art. Developed during 45 years of study, training and practice, Tactical Studies Martial Art provides a practical method for contemporary life.
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Our Curriculum/Academics - Philosophy, policy, logistics, strategy, tactics and skills. Learn more…
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Practical Martial Arts Instruction
Multi-disciplinary martial arts training built around practical applications for everyday life.
The pursuit of martial art at Tactical Studies Group proceeds through three stages: study, training and practice. The curriculum consists in six categories: philosophy, policy, logistics, strategy, tactics and skills. While the origins of these include a significant component of East Asian tradition, we here in the City of New York are Americans and other citizens of the modern world, living under the protection of the Constitution of the United States. Moreover, the ancient principles of Chinese cosmology which form the basis of the martial traditions of East Asia are not susceptible of understanding by most persons because we do not have access to original source material in its ancient ideographic form.
Therefore, the curriculum at Tactical Studies Group is based on six propositions:
That martial art in all its forms and functions is one thing; fundamental, universal and perennial.
That the art is inherently philosophic, political, economic and social in nature.
That therefore a capable understanding of technique integrates general principles in a systemic structure, which is common to any and all particular systems of martial art.
That the only differences between one method and another are cultural and philosophic ones.
That the ancient traditions of martial art have their origins in the ancient templates of governance: tribalism, feudalism and totalitarianism, which rule through aggression and utilize the law as an instrument of despoliation; in short, in the cultures and institutions of tyranny.
That the character and conduct of the martial art of the American republic is bound to the service of justice, propriety and dignity through self governance in accord with the principles of individualism, capitalism and empiricism, and that it is so bound by means of a free market, by the institutions and mechanisms of limited autonomy, and by the use of scientific method.
Skills Taught
Martial Art Skills Taught at Tactical Studies
Fighting skills serve the two laws of tactical engagement:
Don't get hit.
Strike the enemy at will, such that he cannot escape.
This is easily said but often difficult or impossible to accomplish. General George Patton said, 'Battle plans never survive first contact with the enemy.' The best chance to win or to survive an engagement is fifty/fifty.
The aims of martial art are:
to implement policy efficiently, i.e. with minimum possible use of force,
to evade or avoid unnecessary tactical engagements,
to utilize necessary coercion judiciously within the limits of moral principle and the law.
With respect to fighting skills at Tactical Studies Group, we are not primarily concerned with any particular tradition, but rather with methods which are necessary to serve the two laws of tactical engagement. Most of these are found in all systems of martial art.
Martial Art Forms Covered at Tactical Studies
Which of the traditional Martial Art forms is the "best?" The answer is, all and none. We believe that there is only one martial art. It goes by ten thousand names, but the underlying problems that the art is designed to solve and the principles that drive it, are fundamental, universal, and perennial.
The various forms that emerge reflect the location, weather, temperature, terrain, flora and fauna, diet, architecture, clothing, religion, politics and law of the region. They reflect the physical characteristics, capabilities and limitations, class, sex, profession, age, convictions, and personal relationships of the people and their government. They reflect economic and social conditions and the status and availability of information, knowledge, technical expertise, trade, and methods of research and development.
The only differences between one method of martial art and another are cultural and philosophic ones.
Many ancient methods of martial art were associated with the cultures and philosophies of bigotry, of privilege, and of tyranny, i.e.; of tribalism, feudalism and totalitarianism. Many are still characterized by mysticism and by poorly understood esoteric practices. The method taught at Tactical Studies reflects the principles of the European enlightenment, i.e.; individualism, capitalism, scientific method, and limited government, as they have evolved in the United States of America.
Some of our methods of origin are listed below. We make no claim however, to teaching any of these methods in its orthodox form, or in its entirety. No ranks or certifications are issued, nor do we represent any person or organization.

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